Ornamo Foundation 30 years 2024 – open-mindedly towards NEW BEGINNINGS

Design is problem-solving and creating and concretizing new ideas, solution models and alternatives. Have you identified a flaw, problem or development area that you believe you can find a solution or improvement for, do you need the opportunity to break away from your everyday work and the opportunity to deepen and develop your idea further, do you want to test your abilities with a new technology or material…

In the grant distribution for the Foundation’s centenary year 2024, EUR 30,000 will be distributed to NEW BEGINNINGS.

The Ornamo Foundation wants to encourage designers and artists in Ornamo to research and test the functionality of their design ideas by awarding ten Ornamo members a grant of 3,000 euros. The purpose of the grants is to provide grantees with time and money to focus on the open-minded approach of new visions and ideas, as well as experiments and development.

In the 2024 grant award, applicants are not looking for ready-made products, projects or solutions, but the grant is a springboard that encourages them to envision, research, experiment and test the functionality and possibilities of their ideas with the help of the grant. If you have a good idea that you want to take forward, but for which you have not yet found sufficient time and funding resources, now is a great opportunity to do so with the Ornamo Foundation’s anniversary grant.

NEW BEGINNINGS You can apply for a grant using the Ornamo Foundation’s electronic application form. The application period is open until 1.8.2024. 

The application presents a “research idea” of what kind of NEW BEGINNINGS the applicant wants to research, develop and experiment with the grant, as well as an idea of how the research will promote the applicant’s professional development and growth.

The grants will be awarded as follows:

General Fund 6 x 3,000 €
The grant can be applied for by all Ornamo members

Kaarina Aho Fund €3,000
The fund’s grant is intended for Ornamo’s ceramic artists

Eva and Maija Taimi Fund 2 x 3,000 €
Eva Taimi’s grant is awarded to members of Textile Artists TEXO
Maija Taimi’s grant is addressed to the members of Sisustusarkkitehdit SIO

Mirja Tissari Fund €3,000
The grant is intended for the members of Textile Artists TEXO ry

Grantees are required to provide evidence of the use of the grant and documentation of their process. A written description of the process and illustrated examples of the process and results must be submitted to the Foundation by 30.5.2025. A high-quality compilation of the NEW BEGINNINGS projects carried out with the grant will be published, which will be presented and openly available on the channels of Ornamo and the Ornamo Foundation.

The aim of the open and public NEW BEGINNINGS compilation is to stimulate discussion, interest and dialogue about the new beginnings that have emerged and their potential to develop into a finished design product, service concept or art. And in the best case, find a motivated partner or partner to take the process and its results forward – towards NEW BEGINNINGS.

Grantees should note that receiving a grant requires openness to present their idea publicly in the manner mentioned above.

The application period has ended. Thank you for the applications!

We will contact all applicants in September.